Meet Her


Luz is from the village Puerto Bethel which is part of the Shipibo community near the city of Pullcalpa in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. She migrated to Lima after HER husband abandoned HER when HER daughter was just an infant. She realized she would need to become the sole provider of HER household, and as a result, HER focus turned to her craft. At an early age she learned how to make jewelry from HER mother, but realized she was learning the importance of HER culture.

Through HER handwork she has been able to sustain HER family while sharing with others HER story and HER culture. Each day she tends to HER family first, sells HER products anywhere she can in the streets of Lima and stays up late making more for the next day. HER dream is to be able to take HER jewelry to new places where people appreciate HER culture and HER talent. Luz's greatest desire is for HER daughter to receive an education. She dreams of owning HER own business one day and has faith nothing is impossible.
